8.3. – Weltfrauentag! Das sollte man(n) feiern, … wie die Berlinerinnen und Berliner mit schulfrei und verlängertem Wochenende, mit Montag als besonderem Ferientag!

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Dear WAS Members and Friends,

Welcome to this week’s edition of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) newsletter, on International Women’s Day 2024.

As we observe International Women’s Day, our focus is not only on celebrating the transformative power of investing in women but also on highlighting our deep concerns regarding the impacts of conflict, as evidenced in the vital study „War-Time Stress and Sexual Well-Being in Israel.“ This research underscores the grave repercussions that war has on the sexual well-being of civilians, aligning with our commitment to address and mitigate the adverse effects of such crises on sexual health globally.

In addition, we reflect on the enriching discussions from the 11th Edition of the African Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Family Well-being (ACSHR) and look ahead to the Austrian Academy for Sexual Medicine online lecture series on Sexual Medicine and Oncology.

Keep reading to learn more.
Celebrating International Women’s Day:
Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress
Today, as we observe International Women’s Day, we embrace the United Nations‘ theme: „Invest in women: Accelerate progress.“

The message from the UN is clear. In a world beset by challenges, from conflicts to poverty, and the adverse impacts of climate change, the path to resolution is through empowering women. Investing in women not only promotes equality but also promises significant economic and social returns, potentially increasing GDP per capita by 20%.

With a critical call for gender-responsive financing, the UN highlights how prioritizing women’s needs can ignite nearly 300 million jobs by 2035 and combat the poverty threatening over 342 million women and girls.
Learn More: UN International Women’s Day