BZgA-Initiative LIEBESLEBEN ermutigt zum Gespräch über Sexualität
Köln, 01. September 2022. Zum Welttag der sexuellen Gesundheit am 4. September 2022 macht die Initiative LIEBESLEBEN der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) auf die Bedeutung einer offenen Kommunikation für die sexuelle Gesundheit aufmerksam. Passend zum Motto des Aktionstages „Let’s Talk Pleasure“ unterstützt LIEBESLEBEN Menschen, über das sexuelle Wohlbefinden und vermeintliche Tabuthemen wie sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (STI) zu sprechen.
Prof. Dr. Martin Dietrich, Kommissarischer Direktor der BZgA: „Offene Kommunikation ist eine wichtige Grundlage sexueller Gesundheit. Für die Kommunikation mit Sexualpartnerinnen und Sexualpartnern sowie beim Arztbesuch hilft LIEBESLEBEN mit Tipps, um auch Themen außerhalb der Komfortzone direkt anzusprechen. Dies trägt zu einem selbstbewussten und positiven Umgang mit der eigenen Sexualität bei.“
Sexuelle Gesundheit: Drüber reden
Die Ergebnisse der durch die BZgA geförderten GeSiD-Studie zur Gesundheit und Sexualität in Deutschland zeigen, dass weniger als die Hälfte der Menschen in festen Beziehungen vor dem ersten Sex über STI sprechen. Auch beim Arztbesuch thematisieren nur wenige die Erkrankungen. Dem Motto des Welttags der sexuellen Gesundheit folgend, bietet LIEBESLEBEN konkrete Tipps, um auch sensible Themen anzusprechen.
Weiterhin Gesprächsthemen: Chlamydien und Kondome
Die Chlamydien-Infektion ist eine der häufigsten STI, vor allem unter jungen Menschen. Ab dem 22. September 2022 informiert LIEBESLEBEN verstärkt durch Influencerinnen und Influencer im Rahmen der BZgA-Kampagne „#WissenWasRumgeht“ zum Thema. Den besten Schutz vor Chlamydien bietet nach wie vor die Kondomnutzung. Dabei ist die richtige Größe entscheidend für guten Schutz. Diese lässt sich mit dem Online-Kondometer auf der LIEBESLEBEN-Website ermitteln.
Weiterführende Informationen der BZgA-Initiative LIEBESLEBEN:
LIEBESLEBEN-Tipps zur offenen Kommunikation über sexuelle Gesundheit:
Chlamydien-Infektion und Kampagne #WissenWasRumgeht:
GeSID-Studie zur Gesundheit und Sexualität in Deutschland:
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung
K 1 – Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, übergreifende Kommunikation
Maarweg 149-161
50825 Köln
Die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung ist eine Fachbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit
Tag der sexuellen GesundheitInfo- und Mitmachstand – Presse MP/VB 30.8.22
Ein Informations- und Mitmachstand findet zum Tag der sexuellen Gesundheit am Vierröhrenbrunnen in Würzburg am 6. September von 14 bis 18 Uhr statt. Folgende Informationen sind einer Pressemitteilung des Landratsamtes Würzburg entnommen: Wir leben in einer schnelllebigen Welt, in der Informationen jederzeit und beinahe unbegrenzt zur Verfügung stehen. Die Annahme liegt nahe, dieses Wissen sei den meisten Menschen bekannt und umsetzbar.
Die Erfahrungen der Berater und Beraterinnen der vier Würzburger Fachstellen, HIV/Aids-Beratungsstelle Unterfranken der Caritas, Gesundheitsamt für Stadt und Landkreis Würzburg, katholische Beratungsstelle für Schwangerschaftsfragen im SkF und pro familia Beratungsstelle Würzburg, ergeben ein anderes Bild.
Arbeitskreis gegründet
Sie gründeten daher 2019 den Arbeitskreis „Sexuelle Gesundheit“ und haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die psychosoziale Beratung und Begleitung zu den Themen Liebe, Partnerschaft, Schwangerschaft und sexuell übertragbare Infektionen in Würzburg und Umgebung langfristig zu verbessern.
„Sexuelle Gesundheit ist untrennbar mit Gesundheit insgesamt, mit Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität verbunden. Sie ist ein Zustand des körperlichen, emotionalen, mentalen und sozialen Wohlbefindens in Bezug auf die Sexualität (…). Sexuelle Gesundheit setzt eine positive und respektvolle Haltung zu Sexualität und sexuellen Beziehungen voraus sowie die Möglichkeit, angenehme und sichere sexuelle Erfahrungen zu machen, (…).“ (WHO 2021)
Für den diesjährigen Welttag der sexuellen Gesundheit, der jährlich am 4. September stattfindet, hat sich der Arbeitskreis eine besondere Aktion einfallen lassen. Die Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der Fachberatungsstellen geben Wissen „to go“ weiter. Am 6. September werden sie am Vierröhrenbrunnen in Würzburg für Fragen zur sexuellen Gesundheit zur Verfügung stehen.
Interessierte haben die Möglichkeit, ihr Wissen an einem Glücksrad und einem Quiz zu testen und aufzufrischen, also „to go“ zu erwerben und mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Die Mitarbeitenden der Fachberatungsstellen stehen für Rückfragen und Austausch direkt zur Verfügung. (rhe)
Dear DGG, It is World Sexual Health Day (WSHD) in just 2 days – and it’s all about PLEASURE! We are excited to celebrate with you. Here’s what’s coming up in today’s newsletter:How you can get involved in WSHD 2022!4th September WSHD WAS Member’s Only FREE Webinar 16th September WAS-ISSM FREE Webinar Sexual Pleasure in Clinical SettingsCelebrating WSHD in North AmericaThe Kinsey Institute 75th Anniversary Research SymposiumKeep reading to learn more.4th September is World Sexual Health Day!WAS President, Elna Rudolph, invites you to celebrate World Sexual Health Day 2022!WSHD is an international effort to raise social awareness about sexual health. We want to see sexual health issues discussed everywhere! The theme for this year is Let’s Talk Pleasure. We believe pleasure is a critical part of sexual health and rights which makes it central to overall health and well-being. SInce the first WSHD in 2010 (led by then-President Rosemary Coates of Australia) 35 countries have marked this date in a variety of ways. We have seen WSHD celebrated in schools, media outlets, hospitals, libraries, universities, public squares, art halls, theatre groups, and more! What can you do? Raise awareness on social media, with educational programs, cultural activities, engagement with journalists/media outlets, and political activism. Share and post your content on all social media networks and platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok. Use the tags #WSHD2022 and #letstalkpleasure on your posts. Thank you to The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) who generously sponsored the WAS World Sexual Health Day Campaign. WSHD Free Webinar: Let’s Talk PleasureDon’t miss out on the free “Let’s Talk Pleasure” Member’s Only Webinar by the World Association for Sexual Health!We have organised a panel with some of the most important voices in sexual health / sexual rights to discuss:Introduction and Moderation: Elna RudolphThe Politics of Pleasure: Alain GiamiThe History and Significance of the Sexual Pleasure Declaration: Esther CoronaPleasure in Sex Research: Erick JanssenTransgender and Gender Diverse Perspectives on Pleasure: Lucie FieldingPleasure to increase couple’s well-being: Kristen MarkSex Pleasure and the Youth: Stefano EleuteriHow to Increase Sexual Pleasure: Osmo KontulaPromoting Pleasure through Social Media: Lynn BarclayPleasure Principles: Anne PhilpottWhen? September 4th, at 3 pm Central European Time.How to gain access: Email for your access link. Organisational members can share the link with all of their members. Click here to request the link ISSM-WAS Free Webinar: Sexual pleasure in Clinical Settings When: Friday, September 16, 2022, at 6 pm UCT. Sexual pleasure is often overlapped with the experience of orgasm, a fallacy that fails to grasp the complexity of this important sexual outcome and as the main motivation for sexual activity. Sexual pleasure has recently gained prominence as a fundamental human right, and it is now the focus of sexual justice advocacy and research. However, it has largely been overlooked as the primary or even secondary outcome of clinical intervention. In this webinar, we claim to call attention to the importance that clinicians need to pay to sexual pleasure. Learn more! The Programme:Opening by ISSM and WAS PresidentsWelcome and short introduction by Annamaria Giraldi, President ISSMWelcome and short introduction by Elna Rudolph, President WASWelcome by the moderator – Alain Giami (France), Vice President WASSexual pleasure in research – Erick Janssen (Belgium)How to Ethically put Pleasure in Sexual Medicine Consultations – Elna Rudolph (South Africa)Challenges in clinical practices – Patricia Pascoal (Portugal)Q&A SessionDon’t miss this chance to hear evidence-based, experience-informed information from these prominent figures in sexual health. Register for the ISSM-WAS Webinar ![]() Celebrating WSHD in North America! The goal has always been for WSHD to become a day where anyone, from anywhere, can host or participate in an event. That is exactly what is happening in North America! Dr Sara Nasserzadeh has been hosting WSHD events in New York City with a group of volunteers since 2013. Stanford has an organising committee that meets each year to decide how to serve their community in light of the themes chosen by WAS. They make WSHD a celebration and provide an opportunity for people to become acquainted with the declarations and WAS documents, as well as to build a shared community around sexual health that extends beyond the state of being disease free. To encourage more public participation, they created a centralised Facebook page that combines information about all US WSHD events. Congratulations on the great work around WSHD! Learn more about WSHD in North AmericaThe Kinsey Institute 75th Anniversary Research Symposium ![]() With thanks, WAS Communications Committee ![]() |
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Copyright © 2022 World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), All rights reserved. You are receiving this mail because you opted in at our website. Or your country’s organization is affiliated with us. Our mailing address is: World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)1300 South 2nd StreetSuite 180 West Bank Office BuildingMinneapolis, Minnesota 55454 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
Today is World Sexual Health Day! Dear DGG, World Sexual Health Day has arrived! And this year we’re saying: LET’S TALK PLEASURE! WSHD is dedicated to making a positive impact and spreading our message: Sexual Health and Rights for ALL! Let’s make it happen! Here’s how you can get involved:Read the Official WAS Sexual Pleasure DeclarationPost on social media #letstalkpleasureEndorse the Pleasure PrinciplesJoin our FREE WSHD Webinar today at 3pm CET Keep reading to learn more!Invitation from WAS President, Elna Rudolph 1. WAS Declaration on Sexual PleasureWhat is Sexual Pleasure? The World Association for Sexual Health developed the Sexual Pleasure Declaration as a call to action. It was presented at the World Congress in Mexico City in 2019 and finally ratified by the General Assembly of WAS in September 2021 during the online WAS congress, hosted from Cape Town. It states: “Sexual pleasure is the physical and/or psychological satisfaction and enjoyment derived from shared or solitary erotic experiences, including thoughts, fantasies, dreams, emotions, and feelings.” To quote directly from the WAS Sexual Pleasure Declaration, on World Sexual Health Day, WAS wants to reaffirm the following: “Self-determination, consent, safety, privacy, confidence and the ability to communicate and negotiate sexual relations are key enabling factors for pleasure to contribute to sexual health and well-being. Sexual pleasure should be exercised within the context of sexual rights, particularly the rights to equality and non-discrimination, autonomy and bodily integrity, the right to the highest attainable standard of health and freedom of expression. The experiences of human sexual pleasure are diverse and sexual rights ensure that pleasure is a positive experience for all concerned and not obtained by violating other people’s human rights and well-being.” Full Text of the Official WAS Declaration on Sexual Pleasure Full Text of the WAS Declaration on Sexual Pleasure Technical Document Library of Articles on Sexual Pleasure from the International Journal of Sexual Health 2. Post on Social MediaThe WAS World Sexual Health Day Campaign was generously sponsored byThe American Sexual Health Association (ASHA). What can you do? We have seen WSHD celebrated online, in schools, media outlets, hospitals, libraries, universities, public squares, art halls, theatre groups, and more! And of course – you can raise awareness on social media! Got something planned? Great! Post your photos and videos online. Have something to say? Fantastic! Share your thoughts on social media. Want to show support? Thank you! Use our official graphics on your feeds! Whatever you do, tag us @wasworldsexualhealth in your photos and videos and use the hashtags #WSHD2022 and #letstalkpleasure on your posts. WSHD Digital Toolkit ![]() 3. Endorse the Pleasure PrinciplesOne of the WAS member organisations, the Pleasure Project has developed the Pleasure Principles which are officially endorsed by WAS. These Pleasure Principles are designed to act as a guide and inspiration to support people and organisations to embark on the journey towards a sex-positive, pleasure-based approach to sexual health. The Pleasure Principles aim to help inspire and guide you as a pleasure activist, propagandist or practitioner. The Pleasure Principles can be downloaded here: Pleasure PrinciplesThe training toolkit can be downloaded here: The Pleasure Project Training Toolkit Find out more about the Pleasure Project here: WAS encourages all our members to endorse the Pleasure Principles. How to endorse the Pleasure Principles 3. Join the free WAS Members WSHD WebinarAre you:Part of an Organisational Member of WAS?An individual member of WAS?A student member of WAS?An honorary member of WAS? Then you’re invited to a FREE webinar: „Let’s Talk Pleasure!“ When? September 4th, at 1 pm UCT. We have organised a panel with some of the most important voices in sexual health / sexual rights to discuss:Introduction and Moderation: Elna RudolphThe Politics of Pleasure: Alain GiamiThe History and Significance of the Sexual Pleasure Declaration: Esther CoronaPleasure in Sex Research: Erick JanssenTransgender and Gender Diverse Perspectives on Pleasure: Lucie FieldingPleasure to increase couple’s well-being: Kristen MarkSex Pleasure and the Youth: Stefano EleuteriHow to Increase Sexual Pleasure: Osmo KontulaPromoting Pleasure through Social Media: Lynn BarclayPleasure Principles: Anne Philpott How to gain access:How to gain access to the free webinar:If you are a member of WAS or a member of a member organisation of WAS, please email to verify that you or your organisation is in good standing at WAS and to receive your registration link. Organisational Members, you can share this link with all of your members. Click here to reserve your place Not a member of WAS?Become one! Here are the benefits: For Individuals:The opportunity to participate in WAS committees and projectsAccess to the WAS Membership Platform with Educational ResourcesFREE Access to the International Journal of Sexual HealthDiscounted Rates to attend WAS Congresses10% Discount on WPATH Membership20% Discount on a WAS Accredited SARFREE Access to WAS Members-only WebinarsOpportunity to join the WAS Broadcast Group for instant information from WAS For Organisations:The right to vote in WAS General Assembly The right to present candidates for the WAS Advisory Board The opportunity to participate in WAS committees and projectsThe opportunity for networking with other members and recognized experts in sexuality-related fieldsPromote your organisation’s meetings through the WAS databaseGet endorsement of Statements through the WAS Statements CommitteeHost official WAS World Sexual Health Day EventsPublicly note your association’s membership to WASDiscount rates to ALL your members for WAS congressesDiscounted access for ALL your members to the International Journal of Sexual Health (only 50USD!)FREE Access to WAS Members-only WebinarsOpportunity for ALL your members to be on the WAS Broadcast group to receive instant information from WASThe right to bid for organising a WAS world congressClick here to become a MemberThat’s all for now, except to wish you a very happy World Sexual Health Day from all of us at the World Association for Sexual Health. With thanks, WAS Communications Committee ![]() |
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Copyright © 2022 World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), All rights reserved. You are receiving this mail because you opted in at our website. Or your country’s organization is affiliated with us. Our mailing address is: World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)1300 South 2nd StreetSuite 180 West Bank Office BuildingMinneapolis, Minnesota 55454 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |